Poems & Songs

Written by Sis. Pam Murrell

The Bride Church

Side by side, rich and poor,
Brothers and sisters in the House of The Lord.
The world behind, the Cross before,
Keeping our eyes on Jesus!
Lamps all trimmed and burning bright,
We’re pilgrims together in the 'Evening Light',
Though all around is dark as night,
We get our 'Light' from Jesus!
We’re marching in step to the ‘Word of the Hour’
Lighting the path that we tread.
We’re feeding on a Message that is packed with Power,
Leading to Glory ahead!
One our Faith, one our aim,
One in the Spirit our desires the same!
Proud to bear our Saviour’s name!
We’re part of the 'Bride of Jesus'!

Every heart 'Blessed' the same,
Bringing together all our ‘Licks of Flame’
All baptised in Jesus’ Name!
Making our stand for Jesus!
Satan’s snares on every hand,
Closely united on The Word we stand!
Marching to the 'Promised Land',
Living our lives for Jesus.
We long for the day when the Saints will Rise,
And loved ones and friends we shall greet!
Transformed into the likeness of our Mighty King,
At last 'face to face' we shall meet!
Freed from death, freed from blame,
Freed from the consequence of sin and shame!
Proud to bear our Saviour’s name!
We’re part of the 'Bride of Jesus'!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Luke 17:30